Planting Instructions
How to plant your newly purchased trees or shrubs
SANDY SOILS: 3 shovels soil - 1 shovel peat moss - 1 shove manure. DO NOT backfill with new black dirt or topsoil; USE YOUR ORIGINAL SOIL WITH AMENDMENTS.
Your finished planting should look something like this: ![]() Caring for your new plants
During the first two growing seasons, water your new plantings once every 7 to 10 days, depending on weather conditions. Plantings in very dry or sandy soils require more frequent watering, probably once every 3 to 5 days. Remember that in hot weather, the surrounding dry soil may wick water away from your newly planted tree or shrub, so additional water may be needed.
WHEN YOU WATER YOUR PLANTS, SOAK THEM THOROUGHLY. Avoid watering more than once per week (unless your soil is dry or very sandy). OVER WATERING is the biggest cause of plant failure. Like houseplants, your new trees and shrubs need to be thoroughly moistened and then allowed to dry before re-watering. If a plant exhibits poor growth or yellowing foliage, DO NOT ASSUME that it needs more water - it may have too much! Before watering always check the plant's root ball by pushing in with your thumb to determine if the soil is soft and moist or hard and dry. We do recommend that you thoroughly water all plants in mid-November, if needed, before the soil freezes to minimize moisture loss during the winter months. |